The Death Dance Museum holds an extraordinary treasure: The only existing Austrian frescoes showing a monumental dance of death from the 15th century are exposed here.
The Death Dance Museum holds an extraordinary treasure: The only existing Austrian frescoes showing a monumental dance of death from the 15th century are exposed here.
Moreover, you will see the watercolor copies and photo documentations of Middle Age death dance depictions from all Europe as well as the modern death dances. Worth seeing is also the early Gothic church.
Presentation “Center of Death Dance” Metnitz.
The extension of the museum enables an adequate presentation of historical and modern depictions of death dances in a very attractive ambience.
Next death dance performances: 29 and 30/07/2022 as well as 5 and 6/08/2022
Metnitzer Totentanzmuseum
Marktplatz 7
9363 Metnitz
Tel: +43 664 8751797
May to October
Next death dance performances: 29 and 30/07/2022 as well as 5 and 6/08/2022